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Wednesday, March 14, 2012

paper on ASEAN


A. Problem BackgroundAs we know, that the establishment of ASEAN that is the goal of peace-loving nature and form of friendship between the countries in Southeast Asia.At first the establishment of an ASEAN agreement 5 countries meeting in Bangkok on August 5, until the date of August 8, 1967. Among the five countries are Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, the Philippines, and Singapore. The meeting was attended by several prominent figures, and five signed an agreement known as the Bangkok Declaration, with the formation of the association of Southeast Asian countries to establishment of a friendship and cooperation for mutual benefits of the respective countries.
B. Problem formulationFrom the description the author formulates several problems as follows:A. What does that ASEAN?2. Is the goal the establishment of ASEAN?3. How the efforts countries in Southeast Asia has worked with both.
C. Restrictions ProblemIssues to be discussed more focused on understanding the ASEAN. In general, which includes members of the ASEAN, ASEAN national borders and so on. Restrictions to facilitate discussion of this issue next issue.
D. Ratification of TitlesTo obtain a clear picture and know the limits of the issue paper entitled ASEAN there are few words to explain your understanding as follows below:
ASEAN: ASEAN is an association of the nations of Southeast Asia consisting of ten countries in Southeast Asia to forge friendship and cooperation with good.
E. Reasons to TitleThe reason the author chose the title:A. Many countries can not build a relationship with both giving rise to hostility2. Understanding the need for ASEAN to know more about the countries in Southeast Asia3. The author feels that the ASEAN organization is a form of mutually beneficial cooperation
F. Goals and PurposeObjectives to accomplish in the discussion the authors of this paper will include the following:A. To find out what exactly that ASEAN2. To find out what the actual purpose of the establishment of ASEAN3. To find out how cooperative relations ASEAN countries
G. Systematics DiscussionIntroduction easier knowing that this line of thought expressed in the discussion of this paper, the authors describe as the discussion below.Introduction is located in the first chapter because this chapter contains problems to be discussed and the background of the issues that used to compile this paper.In the second chapter contains a discussion in this paper is the discussion of the sense of ASEAN.In the third chapter is filled cover conclusions, suggestions and a bibliography.

A. Definition and Establishment of the ASEAN
ASEAN (Association Of South East Asian Nations) is an organization of cooperation the countries of Southeast Asia. ASEAN was established under an agreement of five foreign ministers of Indonesia, Thailand, Singapore, Malaysia and the Philippines on August 8, 1967 in Bangkok.Causes the formation of ASEAN is due to the fifth of those countries suffered the same fate, which had been colonized by other countries except Thailand.Approval of Bangkok on August 8, 1967 was signed by the five foreign ministers conference participants, namely by:A. Adam Malik, Indonesia's foreign minister2. Tun Abdul Rajak, foreign minister of Malaysia3. Thanat Khoman, Thailand's foreign minister4. Narisco Ramos, Philippine foreign minister5. S. Rajaratnam, Singapore's foreign minister
On January 7, 1984. Brunei Darussalam in as new members of ASEAN. On July 28, 1995 Vietnam entered as a member of ASEAN. Myanmar and Laos became a member of ASEAN on July 28, 1997, and Cambodia on December 16, 1998 as such to the present 10-member ASEAN countries.
B. ASEAN Member CountriesAlmost all the countries in Southeast Asia including the eastern culture. Most of the countries in Southeast Asia included in the group of developing countries. Average population increase of 1.5% per year. Most of the livelihoods of Southeast Asia in the field of agriculture. Many inhabitants live in rural than in urban areas.The countries are in Southeast Asia are Brunei Darussalam, the Philippines, Indonesia, Cambodia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Thailand, Singapore, and Vietnam.
C. The location-Location of Southeast Asia CountriesIn Astronomical ASEAN region located between 280 30 '110 LS and 920 BT - 1410 BT. Northern boundary adjacent to the PRC and the Pacific Ocean and east to the Pacific and Papua New Guinea, while the south by the Indian Ocean, Timor Sea and the Sea Arafuru and west by the Indian Ocean, the Bay of Bengal, Bangladesh and India.The continent is geographically located between Asia and Australia, as well as between the Indian and Pacific Oceans. ASEAN wide ± 3,983,256 Km2. Based on the geographical location of ASEAN monsoon climates, while ASEAN is based on the location of astronomical tropics, because the area near the sea, the ASEAN countries of temperate seas. So it can be concluded ASEAN has a monsoon climate, ocean, tropical.
D. Forms of ASEAN Cooperation1) Field of Energy: Oil Council Committee established the so-called ASEAN ASCOPE (Asean Council On Petroleum) which was established in Jakarta on October 15, 1975 with the aim to develop sources of oil and gas in the ASEAN region.2) Field of Information: formed FAPRO (Asean Federation Of Public Relation), namely cooperation in the field of press, television movies and other supporting facilities.3) Field of Transport and Telecommunications: formed the Federation of Asean Shipowners' Council (PHASE) for telecommunications has made the seabed telephone cables that connect the city of Medan and Penang. Palapa satellite also hired by some ASEAN countries.4) Education and Culture: established SEAMEO (South East Asian Menisters Of Education Organization) is an organization of ministers in Southeast Asia. SAMEO institution has the highest policy lines that SEAMEC (South East Asian Ministers Education Council). The institute aims to foster scientific studies of the nation in Southeast Asia.5) Economy: has established several ASEAN industrial projects include:a. Ammonia fertilizer plant - urea- ASEAN Aceh Fertilizer Project in Indonesia- ASEAN Urea Project in Malaysiab. Hepatitis B vaccine plant (ASEAN Vaccine Project) and the diesel engine plant in Singaporec. Soda Ash Factory (Rock Satt Soda Ash Project) in Thailandd. Copper plant (Cooper Febrecation ASEAN Project) and super phosphate plant in the Philippines6) Security Field: the III Summit in Manila, in December 1987 it was agreed that Southeast Asia is a region of peace free of nuclear weapons called ZAPFAN (Zone Of Peace, Freedom and Neutrality)

A. ConclusionFrom the above description the authors can conclude that as berkut:A. ASEAN is an organization of cooperation the countries of Southeast Asia. ASEAN was established on August 8, 1967 in Bangkok2. Most of the livelihoods of Southeast Asia in the field of agriculture. Many inhabitants live in rural than in urban areas3. Astronomically the ASEAN region is located between LU 280 - 110 LS and 920 BT - 1410 BT. While geographically located between the continent of Asia and Australia as well as between the Indian and Pacific Oceans4. The forms of cooperation have ASEAN in various fields, including: Transportation and Telecommunications Sector, Education and Culture, Economy and Security Sector
B. SuggestionAs we know that the founding organizations in the countries of Southeast Asia is a form of nature peace-loving nation.As the nation's good, let us make a good friendship and cooperation with other nations against.

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