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Friday, March 16, 2012

paper on the agricultural natural resources


1.1 BackgroundNatural Resources is one of the potential that can not be separated from everyday life, one of which is agricultural natural resources. Since most of the livelihood of the world population in the areas of agriculture sphere. Indonesia's history since the colonial period to the present can not be separated from the agricultural sector. Because the sector has great significance in determining formation of a variety of economic and social realities in different regions.
1.2 Objectives and Purpose1.2.1 The purposeOur goal in making paper on "The Importance of Agriculture for Natural Resources Kehiupan" This is to fulfill the tasks assigned by our subject teachers.
1.2.2 PurposeProvide insight into natural resources, especially to provide knowledge about "The Importance of Agriculture for Natural Resources Life".


2.1 Agriculture Natural ResourcesNatural Resources (SDA) is anything that menucul naturally that can be used to meet human needs in general. Belonging in it not only biotic components, such as animals, plants, and microorganisms, but also the abiotic components such as petroleum, natural gas, various kinds of metal, water, and soil.Agriculture is the utilization of biological resources by humans to produce food, industrial raw materials or energy sources, as well as to manage the environment. The utilization of biological resources that are included in ordinary farming people understood as cultivation or farming (crop cultivation) as well as livestock rearing (raising), although its scope may also be the use of micro organisms and bioenzim in the processing of advanced products, such as making cheese and tempeh, or just the mere extraction, such as fishing or forest exploitation.The group examines agricultural sciences with the support of agricultural sciences supporters. The core of the agricultural sciences are biology and economics. Because agriculture is always bound by time and space. Supporting sciences such as geology, meteorology, agriculture machining, biochemical and statiska also studied in agriculture. Farming (farming) is a core part of agriculture because it involves a set of activities carried out in cultivation. Meraka farmer is the designation for the conduct of farming, for example "tobacco farmers" or "fish farmer". Perpetrators of livestock farming (livestock) specifically referred to as a breeder.Agricultural enterprises were given a special name for the particular subject of farming. Farm forestry is the subject of plants (trees) and a semi-wild land cultivated or wild. Farms using animal subjects dry land (cattle, buffalo, goat, etc.). Fishing waters have the subject animals (fish, etc.). A farm can involve a variety of subjects together with the reasons of efficiency and increase profits. And environmental sustainability considerations involve aspects of conservation of natural resources is also a part in the agricultural business.All farming is essentially economic activities that require basic knowledge of the same will be managing the business, the selection of seeds / seedlings, cultivation methods, collecting the results, product distribution, processing and packaging of products, and marketing. If a farmer is looking at all aspects of the consideration of efficiency to achieve the maximum profit he made intensive farming (intensive farming). Farms are viewed in this way is known as agribusiness. Programs and policies that drive agriculture to the point of view this is known as intensification. Because industrial agriculture is always applying intensive farming, they often equated. Attention to the agricultural side of the industrial environment is a sustainable agriculture (sustainable agriculture).
2.2 The concept of Sustainable AgricultureSustainable agriculture is a success in managing resources for the benefit of agriculture in meeting human needs, while maintaining and improving environmental quality and conservation of natural resources. Environmentally sound agricultural customers always pay attention to soil, water, humans, animals / livestock, food, income and health. Environmentally sound agricultural purposes are:A. Safe according to environmental insightThe quality of natural resources and the vitality of the entire agro-ecosystem is maintained / start of human life, plants and animals to soil organisms can be improved.
2. Economically advantageousFarmers can produce something that is adequate to meet their own needs / income, and earn enough income to pay for labor and other production costs.
3. Fair according to social considerationsResources and energy spread in such a way that the basic needs of all members of society can be met, as well as every farmer has an equal opportunity to utilize the land, obtaining sufficient capital, technical assistance and marketing.
4. Against all forms of human lifeResponsive to all forms of life (plants, animals, and humans) the basic principle of all forms of life is to know each other and working relationships between living things are truth, honesty, confidence, cooperation and mutual assistance.
5. Can be easily adaptedRural people / farmers are able to adjust to changing conditions of farming: population growth, policy and market demand.
2.3 Organic AgricultureOrganic farming is an integrated production management system that avoids the use of artificial fertilizers, pesticides, and genetically-modified, pressing air pollution, soil, and water. Regenerative organic agriculture is agriculture with farming principles accompanied by a return to natural inputs are derived from organic materials. Some basic principles that need attention are:1) Use of natural resources for the development of agribusiness horikultura (especially land and water)2) The production or activity of farming itself is done in familiar surroundings, so as to avoid negative impacts and externalities on society3) The handling and processing, distribution and marketing, as well as the use of the product does not pose a problem in the environment (waste and garbage)4) The product to be lucrative business, meet consumer preferences and consumer safety.
2.4 Modern Organic FarmingIn recent years, modern organic farming into the agricultural system of Indonesia is sporadic and small. Developing modern organic farming produce food that is safe for health and environment-friendly production systems. But the general concept of modern organic farming has not been widely known and still widely questioned. The emphasis is more to the left while the use of synthetic pesticides. In the growing knowledge of health technology, environment, microbiology, chemistry, molecular biology, biochemistry, etc., organic agriculture continues to grow. In modern organic farming systems and the required quality standards are imposed by importing countries with very strict. Often the organic agricultural products must be returned to the exporting countries, including Indonesia because it is still found to contain pesticides and chemicals redisu other.
2.5 Forms of Agriculture in IndonesiaA. MoorAn agricultural system that are sedentary, but uses a system pengarian / irrigation. Types of crops and plants are gogu.

2. Fields (Huma)An agricultural system which is done to move the opening in the forest and land use. Agriculture is not familiar with the irrigation system and no tilling and fertilizing the right to make a lot of damage to the soil.
3. FieldFarming is carried out in wet soil or by irrigation. Various kinds of fields:a. Rainfed rice is rice that received only water during the rainy seasonb. Lowland rice paddies are located along major riversc. Irrigated rice is rice that has always had water throughout the year.d. Rice paddies is prodding a magpie in a tidally influenced river of sea water
2.6 Agricultural EngineeringAgricultural engineering is a discipline to learn about agriculture through the approach of engineering / engineering by transforming natural resources efficiently and effectively to human needs. Agricultural engineering focuses on several scientific disciplines, among others, is the basis for planning, design, development, evaluation, and implementation elements of the production system such as the unity of man, machine and equipment, and agricultural resources.These areas included within the scope of agricultural engineering is the technique of agriculture, natural resources of agricultural engineering, process engineering of agricultural / food, energy, agriculture and electricity, workshop and instruments in the field of agriculture, agricultural engineering and management systems, farm buildings and the environment.

2.7 Causes Damage to Agricultural LandA. Agricultural Soil Erosion Damage DueLand use on the carrying capacity without balanced with conservation and improvement of land will lead to land degradation. Land in the uplands with steep slopes are suitable for forest danger, if they get over the function of a seasonal agricultural land will be vulnerable to disasters and the erosion or landslides. Sloping land use change from permanent vegetation (forest) to agricultural land, causing soil insentef be more easily degraded by soil erosion. Logging practices and forest destruction (deforesterisasi) is a major cause of erosion in the watershed area (DAS).
2. Pollution of Agrochemicals in Agricultural LandLevels of pollution and environmental damage in the agricultural environment can be caused by penggunana agrochemicals (fertilizers and pesticides) are not proportional. The negative impact of the use of agrochemicals such as water pollution, soil, and agricultural, health problems of farmers, declining biodiversity, farmers helpless in the procurement of seeds, chemical fertilizers and in determining the commodity to be planted.Excessive use of pesticides in a long period, will impact on the life and presence of natural enemies of pests and diseases, and also have an impact on the lives of the soil biota. This led to an explosion of insect pests and degradation of soil biota.The use of chemical fertilizers are highly concentrated and with a high dose in a long period led to deterioration of soil fertility due to nutrient imbalance or deficiency of other nutrients, and the decline of soil organic matter content. Nutrient deficiencies caused by the abandonment of the use of organic fertilizers.

3. Industrial PollutionPollution and environmental damage in the agricultural environment can also be caused due to industrial activities. Development of industrial sector will potentially negative impact on our agricultural environment, due to sewage, gas and solids that are foreign to the agricultural environment. Impact that can exhaust such as sulfur dioxide (SO2) will lead to acid rain and damage agricultural land. In addition, the presence of liquid wastes containing toxic heavy metals (Pb, Ni, Cd, Hg) will cause the degradation of agricultural land and the pollution of inner life. What if this wastewater into irrigation water bodies, widespread negative effects will spread. The promotion of the program once clean and blue sky needs to be done, and the application of sanctions for employers who pollute soil, water and air.
4. Accretion and Pit CLarge mining operations are carried out on fertile ground or a permanent forest. Negative impacts of mining can be mined over the damaged surface irregularities, loss of fertile soil, and the rest of the extraction (tailings) that will affect the soil reaction and soil composition. The remainder of this extraction can react very acidic or very alkaline, so it will affect the degradation of soil fertility.
5. Land Transfer FunctionConversion of agricultural land increased in recent years is one threat to the sustainability of agriculture. One trigger the conversion of farmland to other uses is a low incentive for farmers in farming and farming keungungan rate is relatively low. In addition, agricultural businesses are faced with various problems that are difficult to predict and the high cost of control such as weather, pests and diseases, lack of means of production and marketing. Land use would occur on many farms that have high productivity into non-agricultural land. Paddy land use to residential and industrial areas are very influential on the availability of agricultural land, and food availability as well as other functions.


4.1 ConclusionAgriculture Natural Resources is one of the natural resources that can be updated whose activity is to utilize biological resources by humans to produce food, industrial raw materials, or other sources and for pushing enerti manages the environment.
4.2 AdviceAlthough the agricultural natural resources are a renewable resource, but we have to use it well and not arbitrarily in managing it.


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