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Friday, March 16, 2012

paper on international trade


1.1 BackgroundInternational trade is basically still need to be supervised by the countries of the world, given its impact on the national economy. Therefore, there is a group that agreed to international perdangangan and others who disagree.Basically the whole act of a government that aims to boost economic growth and increase revenue through the country with activities that promote and regulate the export or import controls. Overall the action, either directly or indirectly affect the composition, direction, and forms of trade and international payments.
1.2 ObjectivesMade will be a credible form of benefit if you have a specific purpose. The purpose of writing this paper is:A. To learn how the government policy on international trade2. To learn a variety of international trade policy3. To train ourselves in preparing all papers in order to develop the skills and creativity


A. Mention the various international trade!2. Mention the good and the political weakness of the free trade!3. What is a tariff or import duty?4. Tariff consists of two kinds, say!5. What is an Absolute Quota and Tariff Rate Quota?6. Why export ban in international trade are not being applied?7. What is the result of the import ban imposed for a specific product?8. How is the policy of subsidies according to Boediono?9. What is the premium?10. Is the cause of a state, the price?

A. Mention the various international trade policy? Political protectionProtection means special protection in the field of economy, this protection is provided by the government to domestic producers against foreign competition.
 Political free tradeWho wants a policy of free trade without any significant barriers to goods and services from all countries.
 Political dumpingPolicy pursued by way of selling products abroad cheaper than at home.
2. Mention the good and the political weakness of the free trade! The goodness of a free trade1) Encourage employers to improve the quality of production in order to compete with the choices made2) The number of kinds and types of manufactured goods so that consumers will be more choices made.
 The downside of free trade1) Only producers who capitalized and won the competition to improve efficiency2) Most likely, many small companies are not able to keep going bankrupt3) The number of unemployed will increasingly3. What is a tariff or import duty?Tariffs or import duties is one way to protect products in the country from the invasion of imported products. Tariffs imposed on imported products provide protection to domestic producers in the form of expensive imported goods in the country. This gives an opportunity for domestic manufacturers to compete with imported goods so that they could increase production.
4. Tariff consists of two kinds, say!a. Tariff barrierPolicy in the form of import duties lowest rate between 0% - 5% Rates are between 5% - 20%
b. Non-tariff barrier policiesAre a variety of trade policy in addition to import duties which may cause distortion, thereby reducing the potential benefits of international trade.
5. What is an Absolute Quota and Tariff Rate Quota? Absolute QuotaAllow the inclusion of certain commodities in a set amount for a certain period.
 Tariff Rate QuotaAllow the inclusion of certain amounts of goods into a country with a reduced rate for a certain period.
6. Why export ban in international trade are not being applied?In international trade, the export ban is not widely applied. Actually, more to the export ban on the willingness of a country to prohibit altogether the export of certain commodities such as raw cane, sawn timber and palm oil. Policies are often implemented in international trade is not much different from the export ban is a Voluntary Export Restriction is a voluntary export restrictions. In this policy the two countries or trading partners mutual understanding to restrict exports of certain commodities to reduce the trade imbalance. This policy was never implemented by the Japanese against the U.S. auto exports.
7. What is the result of the import ban imposed for a specific product?With the ban on imports result in higher prices. In addition, domestic producers can raise their productivity. Favorable import ban means producers, namely a higher selling price and the amount of more sales, while consumers lose.
8. How is the policy of subsidies according to Boediono?According to Boediono, the subsidy policy is not harmful to consumers as other policies in the field of international trade. After subsidies, the amount of consumption and the price was not increased. Domestic manufacturers are also still able to increase profits because they can sell more even if the price is fixed. Thus, the subsidy policy is better than other policies.
9. What is the premium?The premium is the additional funds (in cash) to the producers managed to achieve the production target (achievement) is determined by the government. With the premiums and subsidies to domestic producers is:a. Selling prices of goods are cheaper, more affordable by the community led to increased demand for manyb. Increased productionc. Maintain the viability (continuity) of the company
10. Is the cause of a state, the price?The cause is:a. The nature of the goods sold may allow price discrimination madeb. Goods can not be transferred from one market to another marketc. The nature of demand and the elasticity of demand in each of the markets should be differentd. Manufacturers can exploit some irrational attitudese. Manufacturers can exploit some of the irrational behavior of consumers, such as differences in packaging, size and color.

4.1 ConclusionInternational trade is done in order to increase the pace of economic growth to achieve prosperity. Efforts to achieve prosperity is inseparable from the fulfillment of needs (goods / services). Fulfillment of needs that may not be organized by a state, of course, be done by bringing in from other countries, so it can be concluded that the presence of international trade policies is mainly caused by the different sources of information production, production systems and consumption patterns of a country .
4.2 AdviceBased on the international trade policies could increase state revenues, as well as help facilitate export activities and imports of goods needed in the domestic industry. With terselesainya this paper the authors can provide advice to the reader that international trade policies directly or indirectly, affect the composition, direction and shape of trade and international payments. With at least a guide book or literature I apologize for not being able to explain the solid and clear.

- Tim MGMP SMA / MA District. Mojokerto. , 2004. Aspiration (Economics). Mojokerto- Economic Package 2 High School Class XI. Yudhishthira


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